About Jane Allison
Advanced Diploma of Kinesiology (O'Neill Kinesiology)
LEAP - Learning Enhanced Acupressure Program, developed by Charles Krebs
NEPS- Neuroemotional Pathways, developed by Hugo Tobar
Member of ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society
I first experienced kinesiology in 1999 in Melbourne. I was amazed by the seemingly magical way so much was revealed about my physical body and emotions during each session. I noticed improvements in my emotional life, relationships and wellbeing. This lead me to study kinesiology in Western Australia. Prior to my work as a kinesiologist I worked as a dental nurse and a chiropractic assistant in Melbourne, London and Perth. I am passionate about helping people consciously create balance and harmony between the physical, emotional and energetic planes of existence and to restore the vital force that has been lost along the way xx
"Perception is awareness shaped by beliefs. Beliefs control perception. Rewrite beliefs and you rewrite perception. Rewrite perception and you rewrite genes and behaviour."
Bruce Lipton Ph.D., Stem Cell Biologist